Information For Authors

Statement of Editorial Policy and Procedures

Please read the Statement of Editorial Policy and Procedures.


Book Review Submission Guidelines

Please read the guidelines for submitting book reviews


Preparing Articles for Anonymous Review

Ensuring an Anonymous Review


Simultaneous submission policy

JAT prohibits (1) simultaneous submissions and (2) submissions within one year of previously accepted articles. 


JAT Style-sheet

The preferred submission format is a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx).

JAT follows a modified version of the Chicago Manual of Style.  Deviations from it are noted here.

Submission should ordinarily be under 9,000 words, but longer MSS can be accepted with prior consultation with the editors.

Bibliography/Citation Style (Author-Date)

All final MSS should

  • include a bibliography,
  • be formatted in accordance with the style below (CMS, Author-Date), and
  • cite in text as below.


Citing Historical Sources

Authors of historically oriented papers, when citing secondary material, should use the citation style below.

When citing primary material, they should use their preferred abbreviation system (and their own discretion regarding how much detail to supply regarding volume, page, line, etc.). They should, however, include a footnote explaining their abbreviations and making reference to published versions of the relevant texts.


In-Text Citations (Secondary Sources)

Cite only the last name of the author and the year of the source (and, where appropriate, the page numbers). If the name of the author is part of the text of the article, use the author’s last name and put the year in parentheses:

       Smith (1998) argues that recycled paper saves trees.

Otherwise, put both the author’s last name and the year in parentheses:

       Recycled paper saves trees (Smith 2011).

If author or year is clear from the immediate context, it may be omitted.


Non-English Languages

There is a preference that all of the main text should be in English. Footnotes are generally more appropriate for non-English languages (e.g., Greek, Latin), but a translation should be provided in each instance.



Cite only the last name of the author, the year of the source, and the page numbers:

       “To save trees, recycle paper” (Smith 2011, 25).

If author or year is clear from the immediate context, it may be omitted.

If the quote contains a quote, use single quotation marks around the nested one:

       As Ted says “Todd uses the phrase ‘I’m an omnivore’ too frequently.”

A quote of roughly five or more lines should be set off, but this guideline is flexible.

Final punctuation in a run-in quotation follows citation.  In block quotations it precedes citation.


Bibliography style


Last name, First name. Year. Book Title: Subtitle. Edition [if other than the 1st]. Publisher.  [note that place of publication is omitted]


Article in collection:

Essay Author’s Last name, First Name. Year. “Essay Title.” In Book Title, edited by Editor’s full name. Publisher.  [as with other books place is omitted]


Article in journal:

Last name, First name. Year. “Article Title.” Journal Title Volume number (Issue number): #–#. doi: [doi (if available)].

For multi-authored works, the first and last names of the authors after the first are not inverted and are separated by semicolons:

Garcia, George; Oksana Muzalevskaya; and John Smith.  “Russian Romance.”  Journal of Slavic Poetry VI (9): 365-375.

For authors with multiple entries in the same year, add a lower case letter to the end of the date (e.g., “Smith (1990a)” and “Smith (1990b)”).


Other Style and Usage Guidelines (Chicago Manual)

 For grammar and usage, please follow the Chicago Manual of Style. Some common cases:

* Periods and commas precede closing quotation marks. Colons and semicolons follow closing quotation marks. Question marks and exclamation points follow closing quotation marks unless they belong within the quoted matter.

* American English or European/British English spelling may be used according to the custom of the author, except in quoted material which should not be altered.

* Use one space after a period and a colon.

* En-dash is used between numbers.

* No space is used before or after en-dash.

* Use the serial or “Oxford” comma (e.g., “this, that, and the other;” “John, Paul, and John Paul were in attendance).

* Put “i.e.” and “e.g.” in parentheses (e.g., like this).

* Single letters (e.g., variables) are italicized. Plurals of capital letters may use or omit the apostrophe (“the Rs” or “the R’s) as long as the author is consistent, but plurals of lower case letters always use them (“the x’s”).

* In general, in non-technical contexts, spell out numbers zero through nine. All numbers beginning a sentence are spelled out.

* Dates are formatted as Month Day, Year. The year is followed by a comma if it is not at the end of the sentence.

* The possessive of a singular noun is formed by adding “’s” on the end, even for nouns or pronouns ending in s (e.g., “Lewis’s”) except in special cases.


Gendered pronouns

JAT does not have a policy regarding gendered pronouns.  Authors are permitted to use their favored constructions.  If an author’s convention negatively affects readability, editors may make suggestions for how to proceed.  The Chicago Manual of Style has suggestions for authors wishing to avoid gendered pronouns. 


Capitalization of divine pronouns

JAT does not have a policy concerning the capitalization of divine pronouns.  That is left to the author’s discretion.  However, consistency is insisted upon.



JAT does not have a policy concerning the use of “BC/AD” vs. “BCE/CE”.  That is left to the author’s discretion.  However, consistency is insisted upon.